More about feeling old…

Posted: April 28, 2015 in Uncategorized

Is this a theme with me? Ha ha I just realized my last blog post over a year ago was about feeling old also.  Oh well, onto the story:

So I’m driving around today running some errands while listening to the radio. One of those radio station promo things plays with the tagline “We’re the radio station that rocks, not the one that makes you feel old.”  So obviously, the next song they play is some new, just released rock song right?  Right?! 

Nope! They play Cowboy, by Kid Rock…but wait, that’s not a new song…in fact, I think it came out a long time ago…*Google search*…yup! That song came out in 1998. I was an 18 year old high schooler. Now  I’m 34 years old, married, with an almost three month old baby…gosh!

So please, radio station, please tell me how it is that you don’t make me feel old? Cuz it sure feels like you are!

So, this last week, I’ve been working with an 18yr old kid (ps, I’ll be turning 33 in a few months). Of course, since we’ve been working together, we’ve been bullshitting a lot, passing the time as we do our thing. Well, when I talk, I like to pepper my sentences with curse words. It provides a nice balance to my vocabulary, and makes my sentences sound more fucking mellifluous, if you know what I mean.

(of a voice or words) Sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.)

Anyway, I noticed through the course of our conversations that the kid never cursed when he talked. I started wondering if I was offending him or something, maybe he never curses, but he was to nice to tell me that it offended him. Finally, after a week of us working together, but only a day or two of me noticing that he never cursed, I broached the subject.
I told him I noticed he never cursed when we talked and asked if he ever cursed. He said “yeah, with my friends I curse al the time. I’m probably one of the worst with it….but…..

Wait for it

Wait for it

I never really curse in front of adults.”

Oh my god!?!? Me, an adult, holy shit!! Damn did that floor me, and make me feel really, really old.

WTF Lifelock?!

Posted: January 17, 2013 in Uncategorized
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So recently, I saw a LifeLock commercial on TV. In case any of you aren’t familiar with LifeLock it is a company that offers identity theft protection for a monthly fee, which for some people, might seem like a worthwhile thing to do with their money, but that’s not the problem I have with LifeLock. The problem I have with LifeLock lies within their commercial. They try to scare people with the threat of identity theft by stating (and this is not a direct quote) that there are many illegal online sites that deal in peoples information. Well that is kinda scary, as I wouldn’t want my information dealt to the highest bidder, not that there was anything to steal…but I digress. And what does LifeLock do for you? They monitor said  illegal websites, and if they see the information of one of their paying customers being sold, they stop it, and save your identity. Whoa! Wait a minute! What?

There are illegal sites out there that steal your info, yea, probably.

And LifeLock knows about them?

But only monitors them, for customers of LifeLock’s benefit?

What in the Sam Hell is going on here? If LifeLock knows of these illegal websites, should they be turning that information over to the police, or the FBI, or CIA, or whatever acronym you should report that kind of information to? I mean, they are ILLEGAL aren’t they? Holy crap, I don’t get it, anything for a profit, but if there is no profit involved, who cares about everybody else?

I mean, wow, I guess LifeLock cares about protecting your identity, but only if you are a paying customer, why work to stamp out identity theft, when we can only help prevent it for the people who pay us….JERKS!

This past weekend, I had the great pleasure of attending the B.E.S.T. Scholarship groups Celebrity Meet and Greet on Sunday night, and the golf tournament on Monday, for the second year in a row. I am a huge baseball fan and was really in my glory getting to hang with all the players, take pictures and get autographs. In the past two years there have been close to 60 different players that I had the opportunity to meet.Guys which included a Hall of Famer, a pitcher who threw a no hitter, 15 year veterans, and guys who barely got a cup of coffee in the game. But the biggest thrill I got didn’t really include any of those guys. People who know me are probably thinking, well duh, your biggest thrill came from meeting someone on the Mets…and usually you would be right. But not this time. And you wanna know the biggest shocker, this guy was even a Yankee. Now people who know me are thinking, but Scott, you hate the Yankees. You are a National League guy through and through, and like most people out there, if you root for the Mets, you hate the Yankees. But let me explain…

The greatest honor I got was to meet a former player named Frank Tepedino. Im sure, even some of the most hardcore baseball fans are thinking to themselves right now….Who? Im sure there are even a lot of “hardcore” Yankee fans out there who have never even heard of Mr. Tepedino, so let me do some introductions. I’ll just give a cursory run through. Mr. Tepedino’s story is best told in the book Before the Glory by Billy Staples and Rich Herschlag, but I’ll try to do him at least some justice. Mr. Tepedino debuted for the Yankees in 1967 and was in uniform with the team to witness Mickey Mantle’s 500th home run. Eventually, he made his way over to the Braves and again witnessed history having to do with some guy named Aaron, and another guy named Ruth and something about home runs. If you don’t know that story, shame on you, but anyway, google it, I guess.

Eventually like all dreams, Mr. Tepedino’s baseball career came to an end and he joined the family business, a.k.a. the New York Fire Patrol. I believe, including Mr. Tepedino, 5 members of his family were involved in the Fire Patrol. By now you are probably saying to yourself, OK Scott, I get it, he was a pro baseball player and all around nice guy, why was it such an honor for you to meet him? Well, as everyone remembers, September 11th came along, and Mr. Tepedino and his family were still involved with the Fire Patrol…luckily enough, they were all off that day, but like the heroes they are, when most people were fleeing New York City, they went the opposite way. As I sit here and tear up while I type this, I won’t get into to many details, and like I said before the details can be found in the book Before the Glory.  

Upon meeting Mr. Tepedino for the first time, I felt myself standing a little straighter, smiling a little more, and feeling a great sense of pride in myself,  my country and the man standing in front of me. I couldn’t even imagine going through what he went through, and doing what he did, but I am greatful for all the men and women like him, and aspire to do even 10% of what he did for his family, friends and country. I hope everyone takes a second, minute, hour or day to selflessly do something for others, remember, they say those who forget are doomed to repeat. Thank a service member, donate your time to a worthy cause, just do something to make our society a better place. When I met Mr. Tepedino for the first time, I looked him straight in the eye, stood straighter, gave him a hearty handshake. I said “Mr. Tepedino, as a baseball fan, it is very nice to meet you,” and with a lump in my throat and a tear in the back of my eye, I continued, “but as an American…Thank you!”

I hope he remembers that, because I know I will never forget that moment, it was the least I could do….

In case of emergency…

Posted: March 2, 2012 in Uncategorized


So I saw this sticker at work. Apparently what it is telling us is that, if your fingers start getting cut off, you should immediately lock up, go home and read a book.

“Itchy Anus”

Posted: February 25, 2012 in Uncategorized

So, I was reading the paper today and I came across a very small, but very interesting article. It was written by Louis Unger, lead Sports Reporter for the GMP Gazette. It was about a local horse race that had just happened recently, which was titled “Horse Happenings”. I liked it already, a little alliteration goes a long way, but anyway, I won’t just copy the whole article here, I believe that could be plagiarism, so I’ll just summarize. Mr. Unger first talked about the favorite to win the race, which was a horse called Hoof Hearted. I guess Hoof Hearted was some sort of You Tube celebrity, so the track was using that as their big draw. Can you believe that, a horse, that is a You Tube celebrity, would somehow be a big draw to get people out to the track? Amazingly though, that is not the reason why the article was so interesting to me. It talked about a few of the other horses and then talked about the horse that is the title of my little blog here, the one and only, Itchy Anus. I guess Itchy Anus came down with some sort of malady in the days before the race, because Mr. Unger reported that Itchy Anus was being scratched. Something must have changed though, because soon after Itchy Anus got scratched, he suddenly started feeling much better, and was allowed to re-enter the race. I’m telling you folks, you can’t make this stuff up. Itchy Anus was scratched, felt better, and then ran the race. I don’t even remember anything else about the article, but what else do you need? I almost wish the article was completely about Itchy Anus and not the other horses also, because then the article could have just been called … “Itchy Anus scratched…” And if it did, and if it was, it would  have been cut out of the paper, framed, and hung on my wall.





Posted: February 17, 2012 in Uncategorized
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You will be missed “Kid”. Rest in peace. You are loved!


I recently just heard about this planking stuff, so I figured I’d try it at work. Am I doing it right?

Posted: January 27, 2012 in Uncategorized

Well, this blog basically wrote itself for me. On January 18th, 2012 at 9:14 AM I received a text message from a number I didn’t know….in Spanish. Well, most people would ignore it, or reply back that Mr. Spanish had the wrong number, or something nice like that. Buuuuut, I am not most people >;) (Is that an evil looking winky emoticon? Cuz that’s what I was going for.)

I took Spanish in High School and College, I know a little, enough to get by when we went to Mexico for our honeymoon, enough to get by in the factory that I work, since most of the workers there speak Spanish of some sort. Hell, most of the guys who work there, and hear me speak Spanish congratulate me on speaking their language properly, but I really wouldn’t say I know enough to carry on a conversation with a random person via text message.

Anyway, Mr. Random Spanish texted me “Donde estas?” (“Where are you?” and that one I did know.)

So what does one do? Well, if one is me, one replies with a random Spanish sentence he knows, but doesn’t know why he knows: “Tengo un gato en mis pantalones.” (I have a cat in my pants)

Strangely enough, Mr. Random Spanish let that one slide. His response, exactly as he texted it, because there must have been something wrong with his phone, and I  had to ask a bunch of guys around the factory before we could figure out what it was supposed to mean: “Dej? usted de conseguir y que a?n o que?” (Which we thought, basically meant, “Can I find you, yes or no?)

So as I walk around the factory thinking about how to respond, I pass the bathroom, and evidently, people who speak Spanish can’t bring any food or drink into the bathroom, because that is the sign that I copied and replied to Mr. Random Spanish with: “No alimentos ni bebidas.” (No Food or drink)

Mr. Random Spanish must have finally caught on that something was amiss, his reply: “Est? borracho?” (I knew that one too! “Are you drunk?” lol!)

Well, 95% of the time, I could usually answer yes to that question, but I was at work, and was having to much fun messing with Mr. Random Spanish to reply normally: “No leer ni segur las instrucciones de esta escalera podria resultar en lesiones o la muerte.” (Basically, I copied this off the side of a ladder: “Failure to read the instructions for this ladder could result in injury or DEATH!”)

No answer, damn, he gave up, oh well, time ticked on….10:00, 11:00, 12:00. 12:06: “Est?s ah??” (“You there?”)

Oh boy, he was back! Another sign in the factory: “Quitese todas sus joyas.” (“Take off all your jewlery.”)

Gone again, did he catch on yet? 1:00. I left the factory to run some errands. 1:23: “No estoy usando joyas, Cu?ndo volver a estar? Tengo que usar el coche.” Immediately followed up by: “Deje de joder, yo necesito el coche,.” (First one: “I’m not wearing jewlery. When are you getting back, I have to use the car.” Second one: Stop f*cking around, I need the car.”)

So he wasn’t as dumb as he looked, he knew someone was messing around. But he didn’t know me: “Mi loro se comio el pescado.” ( I didn’t know what to do, I was on the road and didn’t have any random factory signs to help me out….LIGHTBULB…Google Translate app….”My parrot ate your fish.” Yeah I don’t know where I came up with that either.)

“Quien es este?” (Who is this?” Did he think someone else had his friends phone?)

“Los payasos me estan persiguiendo.” (“The clowns are chasing me.”)

“Vete a la mierda.” (“Go to hell.”)

How rude, it wasn’t my fault he had the wrong number, and I decided I would tell him that: “No es mi culpa que tiene el numero equivocado.” (“It’s not my fault you have the wrong number.”

“Me habia equivocado de numero supone que 4008.” ( I had the wrong number, it was supposed to be 4008.)

“Que gracioso.” (“How funny!”)

Not another response, unfortunately. But boy, did that make my day! And I bet that guy triple checks his numbers the next time he tries to text someone. Or maybe he just store his contacts in his phone.  I stored him, just incase I ever get another text from….Mr. Random Spanish.

Aside  —  Posted: January 26, 2012 in Uncategorized

Aha, my first, new blog

Posted: January 24, 2012 in Uncategorized

What’s up people. I used to blog every so often back on Myspace, I know, I’m a dinosaur right? Recently I decided that I would try to get back into it. Maybe I’ll introduce myself or something at a later time, but anyway, enough for the rambling. Let’s get to the blog.

So, my mom has been telling me for years to try out for Jeopardy. My wife had joined in not to long ago also, something about winning us some money. So, finally, I broke down and signed up at Well, needless to say, an opportunity to take the test came along, I got an email, my test date, time, confirmation number, blah, blah blah. When the test date came, they recommended that  you sign in twenty to thirty minutes before hand. Extremely excited, I rushed through dinner, and when the time was right, ran upstairs, grabbed the computer, signed in, and sat there watching a giant “stopwatch” count down from, umm, somewhere around twenty five minutes, and the weird thing was, I only signed in about twenty minutes beforehand. Anyway, I had some time to kill. What to do, I started searching around the Jeopardy site. Eventually I came across a little chat section. I logged in to kill some time, and found some other people in the chat doing the same thing. A little chat box popped up and I received the message: “The name of the person you are speaking with.” That’s weird, it isn’t really even a complete sentence, what is this person talking about?

I guess I must have taken more time to respond than I realized, because all of a sudden, another message popped up.  “What is Jim?” How strange, I thought to myself, What is Jim? Jim is a man’s name, usually a first name, short for….uh…oh yeah, James.

Too long to respond again. Another message. “A question regarding your whereabouts.”

I really have no idea what is going on by now. I’m totally confused, just staring at my, now around, twenty minutes ticking down.

Too long again, another message: “What is ‘Are you there?'”

Finally! Something I could kind of respond to: “Yes I am here, your comments were just, umm, kind of confusing is all.”

“The way you respond to a Jeopardy answer.” Say what?! This guy, I guess I’ll call him Jim for lack of better options, was making absolutely no sense! I was thinking that I would rather bang my head against a wall than keep keep talking to “Jim” when another message popped up.

“What is ‘in the form of a question?'”

Holy crap, is this guy kidding! I finally caught on, he was playing the role of Alex Trebek, and, well, Jim, in the course of our conversation if you could call it that. His name was Jim, and he was talking to me like he was playing Jeopardy in our chat. I couldn’t handle it, I had a REAL Jeopardy test in ten minutes, or so said the giant stopwatch. I quickly closed out of the chat, and resumed sitting there twiddling my thumbs for the last ten minutes, wondering if everyone out there was crazy, or if it was just me.

I don’t really know how the test went, Jeopardy doesn’t reveal your scores….EVER. Which really sucks! The only way I’ll ever know if I did well is if, one day, out of the blue, I get a call from a Jeopardy official, inviting me on to the next step in the try out process. Oh, and, uh, there is really no such thing as Jeopardy chat, woulda been kinda funny though, don’t ya think?